The Face of Music Audio-eBook

Mac Installation Instructions:

Step 1: Select [Download] below to download the installation Zip File.

Step 2: Open [Finder] file management.

Step 3: Select the [Downloads] folder.

Step 4: In the [Downloads] folder [Right Click] on the file [The Face of Music] file.

Step 5: Select [Open].

Step 6: Double Click [The Face of Music Audio-eBook] folder to open .

Step 7: Select the file [The Face of Music Audio-eBook] and drag it to the Desktop.

Step 8: [Right Click] on the [The Face of music Audio-eBook] Icon and select [Open].

NOTE: Apple requires a user to open a Third Party App twice to make sure it’s what you intend to do.

Step 9: Select [Cancel] This is our first of 2 openings of the file. This step is required.

Step 10: [Right Click] on the icon again and select [Open].

Step 11: Select [Open]

NOTE: This completes the Authorization of the App and these steps will no longer be required.

NOTE: Always view in [FULL SCREEN] by selecting the Squared Corners.